calendula cream

Calendula oil

Almost nothing can beat calendula oil benefits when trying to soothe acne, eczema, scrapes and irritation. Here’s how you can get the most out of it.

Table of contents:
What is Calendula oil?
The benefits of calendula oil.
How Calendula oil helps with eczema.
Calendula oil for acne treatment.
Finding the best Calendula oil.

Do have itchy, inflamed skin that could use some soothing?

Do have a problem with acne?

How about eczema?

Lucky for you, calendula oil could help! It’s a magical ingredient that many people have had great results with.

Read on and find out how to get the most out of this amazing flower.

What is Calendula Oil?

What is Calendula Oil

This oil is distilled from the marigold flower which is found in parts of Asia, Western Europe and the Mediterranean. They have red and yellow petals and smell musky and even a little rotten.

Marigold was named after the Virgin Mary in the 14th century and was used in an English recipe to fight the plague. You won’t be dealing with anything that bad, but it shows how strong it can be.

“Calendula” comes from the latin word “calends,” which means “little calendar,” or “little clock.” It got this name because it bloomed throughout most of the year. Pretty cute, huh?

It is now used as a plant-based skin treatment for minor cuts, burns and skin irritations. It’s has a soothing, anti-inflammatory effect so is great for calming itchy, inflamed skin.

Top Calendula Oil Benefits

Calendula Ointment

Calendula oil is often used to treat burns, rashes, inflammation and wounds because of how mild it is when in contact with the skin. A cream or lotion doesn’t do much good if you can’t put it on your skin.

It has antiseptic, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which makes it amazing for healing skin damage

These anti-inflammatory and antibacterial actions are helpful with conditions like:

  • Acne
  • Diaper Rash
  • Eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.
  • Varicose and spider veins
  • Burns
  • Dry, chapped skin
  • Swelling caused by injury
  • Minor cuts and wounds
  • Irritations
  • Athlete’s foot, ringworm, jock itch and other fungal issues

If you are suffering from any of the above reducing inflammation and potential for infection is going to be a big help. It will lower your discomfort, protect your skin and reduce any visible signs. You can find it in our cream Elixir and it does wonders for damaged skin.

Calendula Oil for Eczema

Calendula for eczema

If you have eczema you know it can be itchy and uncomfortable. Blisters, redness, patches of built-up skin and inflamed skin are some of the symptoms that come with this skin condition.

Because of calendula’s antiviral and antibacterial properties this ingredient protect damaged skin from infection. And because of its ability to reduce inflammation it helps reduce discomfort at the same time. Talk about a win win!

Here are some great ways to incorporate it into your daily routine:

  • Apply calendula oil directly onto your skin
  • Mix calendula oil into your daily moisturizer
  • Thicken the oil with some beeswax by melting it on a stove and using it as a salve.
  • Make a bar of soap with calendula oil
  • Mix the oil in with your salad dressing (Yes, it’s even edible!)

Whatever method you use, apply the calendula twice a day to soothe the eczema. Although it does not heal this skin condition, studies show it will help ease some of the symptoms and give you the relief you deserve.

Calendula Oil for Acne

Calendula for acne

This oil is great for acne. It helps kill the bacteria that causes acne to begin with. That means it keeps acne from getting worse and/or spreading.

When dealing with acne we can tend to over do it and end up being unkind to our skin on a day-to-day basis. Harsh cleanser and exfoliants lead to irritations, which leads to more acne. Soothing these affects can do a lot towards reducing and preventing acne.

Using a cream with Calendula oil in it could help you control your acne and soothe irritations resulting from other acne treatments.

Finding The Best Creams

best calendula creams

As you can see this oil has a lot of uses, and can really benefit you skin. That is why we made our own cream, Elixir.

Whether you are looking to soothe eczema symptoms or fight acne, Elixir is right for you. With ingredients like chamomile, Shea butter, olive oil, Manuka honey and colloidal oatmeal, you’ll get 7 times the itch and pain relief, 6 times the healing power and 11 times the anti-inflammatory effects as most creams claiming to help these skin conditions.

With a 30 day, money-back guarantee, you have absolutely nothing to lose besides the feeling of being uncomfortable in your own skin. Click below to give it a try!

anti itch cream




If you have itchy, inflamed skin you should give this ingredient a try. It has many uses like treating minor cuts, burns and other skin irritations. And it is safe to use on a daily basis.

Eczema symptoms could be eased by using calendula oil by itself or mixing it in your other day-to-day products.

Calendula oil soothes acne and stops the spread of bacteria. Use a cream containing this oil to help manage your acne.

For a good, high quality cream, check out Elixir. It will stop the itching, soothe inflammation and assist in healing damaged skin.

If you know someone that could use the power of calendula share this article with them!

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