Tea tree oil face and body wash

Tea tree oil face and body wash

Find out how tea tree oils mixed with other powerful organic ingredients gives you a cleanser that will leave your skin balanced, fresh and healthy.

Table of contents:
Tea Tree oil uses for skin.
Ingredients proven to heal damaged skin.
The perfectly balanced Tea Tree oil cleanser.

Does your skin need extra attention? Something with a little extra kick to clear up acne, even out skin, or soothe rosacea?

We’ve had thousands of people use our Cleanse + Restore face wash with great success. But some people have been asking for a plant-based face and body wash to deal with more problematic skin.

We are happy to announce that product is here with our new Tea Tree Cleanser!

Let’s take a look at what this extra-strength cleanser can do.

Tea Tree Oil Uses for Your Skin

There are a four fundamentals you need in place to heal and smooth skin. We focused hard on them when formulating our new cleanser. They are:

1. Balance Your Skin

The first is pH balance. If your skin is too acidic it gets oily, if too alkaline it becomes dry and cracked.Having the proper level of pH (a slightly acid 5.5) is a must for the skin to not only heal, but to protect itself for the outside world.

The more skin becomes unbalanced the more problems arise. In fact, a large amount of skin conditions are a symptom of improper pH balance.

Our new cleanser is a perfect 5.5 pH.

2. Keep it Clean

The next is keeping the skin clean. This is particularly true when dealing with acne, dermatitis, or eczema. We are going to break this down into three parts:

  1. Overly oily skin. The skin produces an oil called sebum. It helps lubricate the skin and hair. But when too much accumulates it allows bacteria and yeast to grow. Too much oil and bacteria leads to acne, too much yeast leads to dermatitis.
  2. Clogged Pores. Dirt and other build-ups lead to clogged pores, blackheads, and backed up sebum. This will only exacerbate your troubles and prevents your skin from looking smooth.
  3. Dead skin. Dry skin, acne, and dermatitis cause the skin to flake and look rough. It is necessary to remove dead skin cells to help open pores and even out skin.

Our Tea Tree Oil Cleanser helps deal with all three! Using our wash helps:

  • Balance out skin and remove excess oil, without leaving it dry.
  • Loosen buildup and free clogged pores with a deep cleaning effect.
  • Shed dead skin cells leaving your skin flake free.

3. Help it Heal

There are many vitamins, minerals and other nutrients the skin needs to repair itself. When dealing with damaged skin you want to speed up healing as much as possible. Your body will naturally get what it needs from food, but the right cream will take it one step further.

We’ve used ingredients proven to speed up wound healing to make sure your skin looks it’s best!

4. Stop Irritation

The last last thing we addressed was irritations. Chemicals, toxins, pollution, and even diet can cause the skin to have negative reactions. Using products that don’t cause problems or worsen them is a very important part to clearing up skin.

Many cosmetics on the market are full of irritates (even ones known to cause the issues they are meant to solve!). They have no place in a solution to damaged skin.

That is why we left out toxins, parabens, and alcohol.

We are confident that after a couple weeks using out Tea Tree Cleanser you will have noticeably healthier skin. How do we know?

Because of six natural ingredients scientifically proven to work.

8 Ingredients Proven to Heal Damaged Skin

After a thorough review of safe, natural ingredients we found what you need to clean your skin, remove buildup, and keep things balanced.

Let’s take a look at each to find out what they do:

Tea Tree Oil

You can’t have a tea tree wash without some tea tree. There are over 400 uses for it in total, and it can do a lot for the skin.

Since it’s naturally antimicrobial, research shows it is effective against things like acne, bacterial infections, athlete’s foot, psoriasis, eczema and more. It also reduces inflammation, making skin look less red and puffy.

Add those two qualities together, tea tree oil acne treatments are proven to work. It will help reduce the total amount of acne and the severity.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera, the king of healing ingredients. With a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, it should be no surprise this is on our list.

Since aloe has been shown to significantly accelerate healing and reduce pain it is a must for any product used on irritated, damaged skin.  It can treat acne, rashes, psoriasis, dermatitis and more. It is so strong, one study found it cured 83% of chronic psoriasis patients!

St. John’s Wort

This flower has been used for centuries to help many aspects of heath. Even things like depression, symptoms of PMS, and mood.

We use it for it’s anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Research shows that St. John’s Wort can help clean and soothe the skin while making it more firm. Those are some pretty nice qualities when dealing with irritated skin!

Burdock Root

Burdock root offers the unique ability to increase blood circulation to the skin, leads to more nutrients and faster healing. It also improves skin quality and texture.

Research shows it is effective at treating acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It can even help reduce fine lines and wrinkles in mature skin.

As an added bonus, scientist found it prevents cancer cells from being able to reproduce.

Pomegranate Seed Oil

This Christmas fruit contains a unique type of fatty acid that is not only a strong anti-inflammatory but it also protects the skin from free radicals. It’s ability to heal DNA damage caused by sun light has even been shown to help prevent cancer.

If that wasn’t reason enough to use it, it also improves skin texture and speeds up healing. That means your blemishes clear up faster!


This herb contains high amounts of the famous health supplement berberine. Berberine has been found to be antimicrobialanti-tumor, and anti-inflammatory. It has even shown to kill cancer and inhibit the growth of new cancer cells.

We use it because it has been shown to help treat skin diseases like acne, eczema, infection, and rashes.

Dandelion Root

This common flower has a secret: it treats skin disease caused by microbial and fungal infections, like acne. It has been shown to help with itch, eczema, athlete’s foot, and more!

It also contains antioxidants that help prevent fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots while toning and firming skin. And some people just think its a weed…

Salicylic Acid

Originally coming from the bark of the White Willow tree, this ingredient has a special feature: It breaks up skin cells that stick together and clog your pores. That is why it is commonly used to treat acne. Less clogged pores means less black and white heads.

It also helps many forms of dermatitis by getting rid of flaky, dead skin. It is a powerful exfoliator, so cut back on any others you may be using.

The Perfectly Balanced Tea Tree Oil Cleanser

balanced skin

Are you ready to have balanced, healthy skin? You now have the perfect tool to help clean up your skin!

If you are dealing with acne, oily or dry skin, rosacea or something else, then give nature a shot. You have seen the science. Now put it to the test.  You’re sure to be impressed!


We have designed our face wash to work together with our Tea Tree Cream for the ultimate one-two punch. This combination will work for you all day long!

After you’ve tried it let us know what you think. We’d love to hear your success story!

Thank you for reading our article, feel free to share it with whoever you know wants help with their skin.

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