Influencer Marketing Agreement
This influencer agreement “hereinafter, Agreement” is entered into the date of the agreement by and between you “hereinafter, Influencer” and Era Organics “hereinafter, Brand”.
Era Organics wants to collaborate with Influencer in a campaign to promote product/products. The collaboration will take part between date of agreement and 3 weeks after, influencer agrees to the following tasks:
- Instagram photo post to feed with the Brand tagged in the caption
- and photo.
- Instagram story post with the Brand tagged and a swipe up to shop
- the Brand’s website.
- Publications must include:
- Tagged @eraorganics
- #eraorganics #eraorganicspartner #ad #sponsored
The contract will have an unlimited duration from the time the contract is signed, which the collaborator will adjust to the times and deadlines defined by Era Organics.
Influencer will provide copies of content produced to the Brand to be reposted on Era Organics Social Media and other Advertising or Marketing campaigns. All content will be credited to the Influencer on reposting to Era Organics Social Media.
Era Organics will provide products and shipping to Influencer.
The influencer will follow FTC guidelines by adding #ad or #sponsored in the beginning of their post caption. The post will stay in your feed and not be taken down, archived or removed unless otherwise agreed upon.
FTC: “In April 2018, FTC staff wrote to Defendants regarding several Team product endorsements on Instagram by influencers. FTC staff informed Defendants that any material connections to any endorsers, such as monetary payments, should be clearly and conspicuously disclosed in their endorsements; that to make a disclosure both “clear” and “conspicuous,” endorsers should use unambiguous language and consumers should be able to notice the disclosure easily without having to look for it; and that because consumers viewing posts in their 12 Case 8:20-cv-00518 Document 1 Filed 03/05/20 Page 13 of 19 PageID 13 Instagram feeds typically see only the first few lines of a longer post unless they click “more,” endorsers should disclose any material connection above the “more” link. (Exhibit 15). (For the full scope, go to:”
Valid causes of termination of the contract will be all those that are expressly included in the regulations applicable to it, highlighting the following:
- Failure by the influencer to provide exclusive professional services for Era Organics there has been a written consent.
- Withdrawal of the influencer by prior notice to the Company.
- The influencer has shared personal information of the Company.
By submitting your information below you agree to the above terms.