Home chemical peels - How to Revitalize Your Skin

Nikki Chase



Time to read 7 min

Let’s demystify the at-home chemical peel experience to unlock revitalized, radiant skin.

There’s no doubt you’ve heard of the transformative effects of chemical peels. But did you know that you can get the smooth, glowing effects of this skincare treatment at home? 

With specialized products designed for home use, chemical peels are more accessible than ever before. In this article, we break down everything you need to know to revitalize your skin with at-home chemical peels.

Understanding home chemical peels

Embarking on the journey of incorporating at-home chemical peels into your skincare routine can be a game-changer for achieving that coveted radiant complexion. 

Whether you're battling fine lines, acne, or seeking an overall improvement in skin texture, different types of at-home chemical peels, offer targeted solutions.

But what are at-home chemical peels exactly? At their core, at-home chemical peels are skincare products formulated with exfoliating acids. These acids play a pivotal role in removing dead skin cells, prompting skin renewal and revealing a fresher, more youthful layer underneath. 

By removing the outermost layer of dead skin cells, these peels stimulate cell turnover, helping to address various skincare concerns.

Benefits of home chemical peels

The allure of at-home chemical peels lies in their convenience and the ability to incorporate them into your regular skincare routine. 

Unlike professional peels performed in dermatology offices, the seat-home options allow you to enjoy the benefits of exfoliation at your own convenience. Other benefits include:

  • Revitalized Complexion: Exfoliation is at the heart of at-home chemical peels. By effectively removing dead skin cells, these peels unveil a fresher layer, leaving your complexion looking revitalized and renewed. This process can contribute to a smoother, softer skin texture.
  • Diminished Fine Lines and Wrinkles: One of the standout advantages of at-home chemical peels is their ability to address signs of aging. Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), such as glycolic acid, stimulate collagen production, promoting skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Improved Hyperpigmentation: Uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation concerns can be alleviated through regular use of at-home chemical peels. By promoting cell turnover, these peels assist in fading dark spots and creating a more balanced complexion.
  • Acne Management: Beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), like salicylic acid, work wonders for individuals struggling with acne-prone skin. Penetrating deep into the pores, BHAs help unclog them, preventing and treating acne breakouts.
  • Enhanced Skincare Product Absorption: A well-exfoliated skin surface is more receptive to the benefits of your other skincare products. At-home chemical peels pave the way for better absorption of serums, moisturizers, and other treatments, maximizing their effectiveness.
  • Cost-Effective Convenience: Unlike professional chemical peels, at-home options provide a cost-effective and convenient solution. You have the flexibility to integrate them into your regular skincare routine without the need for appointments or downtime.
  •  Tailored Solutions for Various Skin Concerns: From glycolic acid to lactic acid, at-home chemical peels offer a diverse range of solutions tailored to specific skin concerns. Whether you're targeting fine lines, hyperpigmentation, or acne, there's a peel formulation to suit your needs.
  • Boosted Confidence: Achieving a healthier, glowing complexion often translates to a boost in self-confidence. Knowing that you are actively contributing to your skin's well-being can have a positive impact on how you feel about yourself.

Ultimately, the decision between at-home and professional chemical peels hinges on your skincare goals, lifestyle, and personal preferences.

The Best Ingredients for At home chemical peels

The effectiveness of at-home chemical peels lies in the carefully chosen ingredients that power these transformative skincare formulations. The key players that contribute to radiant skin include:

  • Glycolic Acid: Derived from sugar cane, glycolic acid is a star ingredient in at-home chemical peels. Its small molecular size allows it to penetrate the skin deeply, effectively exfoliating dead cells and promoting collagen production. Ideal for addressing fine lines, wrinkles, and overall skin texture, glycolic acid is a go-to choice for those seeking a luminous complexion.
  • Lactic Acid: For individuals with sensitive skin, lactic acid is a gentle yet effective option.Sourced from milk, this alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) exfoliates the skin, providing a smoother texture without the potential irritation associated with more robust acids. Lactic acid is particularly beneficial for those new to chemical peels or dealing with skin sensitivity.
  • Salicylic Acid: As a beta hydroxy acid (BHA), salicylic acid is oil-soluble, making it an excellent choice for individuals with acne-prone or oily skin. This ingredient penetrates deep into the pores, unclogging them and preventing acne breakouts. Salicylic acid is celebrated for its ability to address blackheads, whiteheads, and other blemishes effectively.
  • Mandelic Acid: Derived from almonds, mandelic acid is another AHA known for its gentle exfoliation. With larger molecular structures than glycolic acid, mandelic acid is well-suited for individuals with sensitive skin. It helps in promoting cell turnover, brightening the complexion, and addressing concerns like hyperpigmentation.
  •  Citric Acid: Naturally occurring in citrus fruits, citric acid is an AHA that contributes to exfoliation and skin renewal. Its antioxidant properties make it valuable for combating free radicals and environmental damage. Citric acid is often included in at-home chemical peels to enhance overall skin tone and texture.
  • Hyaluronic Acid: While not an exfoliating acid, hyaluronic acid plays a crucial role in at-home chemical peels by providing hydration and moisture. This helps balance the exfoliating effects of other acids, ensuring that your skin remains plump and well-nourished during the peeling process.
  • Vitamin C: Known for its brightening and antioxidant properties, vitamin C is a common addition to at-home chemical peels. It not only promotes a radiant complexion but also helps protect the skin from environmental damage, making it an excellent choice for overall skin health.

As you explore at-home chemical peels, consider formulations that incorporate these power house ingredients. Understanding the role each ingredient plays can guide you in selecting the right peel for your unique skincare needs.

Home chemical peels guide

When it comes to at-home chemical peels, patience and consistency are key to achieving optimal results. By following these steps and precautions, you can safely incorporate at-home chemical peels such as our Glycolic Acid Peel, into your skincare routine:

Step 1: Research and Select the Right Product 

Begin by researching and selecting an at-home chemical peel product that suits your skin type and concerns. Consider the active ingredients, concentration, and formulation. It's advisable to start with a milder peel if you are new to this process.

Step 2: Perform a Patch Test

Before applying the peel to your entire face, perform a patch test on a small, inconspicuous area of your skin. This helps you assess how your skin reacts to the product and minimizes the risk of an adverse reaction.

Step 3: Prepare Your Skin 

Cleanse your face thoroughly to remove any makeup, dirt, or oil. Avoid using products with active ingredients like retinoids or benzoyl peroxide on the same day as your peel to prevent potential irritation.

Step 4: Follow Usage Instructions

 Carefully read and follow the usage instructions provided with your at-home chemical peel. Pay attention to recommended application times and frequency. Overuse or prolonged application can lead to irritation.

Step 5: Apply the Peel 

Using clean fingertips or a designated applicator, apply the peel evenly to your face, avoiding sensitive areas like the eyes and lips. Start with a thin layer and gradually increase if your skin tolerates it well.

Step 6: Monitor Sensations and Duration

During the application, be mindful of any sensations on your skin. Tingling or mild warmth is normal but if you experience excessive burning or discomfort, remove the peel immediately. Follow the recommended duration specified in the instructions.

Step 7: Neutralize if Necessary 

Some at-home chemical peels require a neutralizing step to stop the exfoliation process. Follow the instructions provided with your product, and ensure you have the recommended neutralizing agent on hand.

Step 8: Post-Peel Care

After removing the peel, rinse your face thoroughly with cool water to ensure all remnants are removed. Pat your skin dry and follow up with a gentle, hydrating moisturizer to soothe and nourish the skin.

Precautions to Consider:

  •  Sun Protection: Chemical peels can increase your skin's sensitivity to the sun. Always apply abroad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 during the day, even on cloudy days.
  • Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure: Minimize direct sun exposure for a few days following your peel to prevent sun damage and irritation.
  • Skip Harsh Skincare Products: Refrain from using products containing retinoids or benzoyl peroxide in the days leading up to and following your peel to avoid potential irritation.
  •  Moisturize: Keep your skin well-hydrated with a gentle, hydrating moisturizer to support the healing process.
  • Consult a Professional: If you are uncertain about any aspect of at-home chemical peels or have specific skin concerns, consult with a dermatologist or skincare professional before proceeding.

Choose a Safe At-Home Mask Made with Premium Ingredients

Our exfoliating glycolic acid chemical peel is clinical strength anti-aging corrector made with nutrient rich, plant-based ingredients that your skin will love. 

This at-home chemical peel targets fine lines and wrinkles, dull, lifeless skin, blemishes, and clogged pores. 

Free from harsh chemicals, sulfates, parabens and other harmful substances, our glycolic acid mask is safe for all skin types and won’t weaken your skin over time.


In the pursuit of radiant skin, at-home chemical peels offer a transformative journey in the comfort of your own home. 

Armed with the knowledge of potent ingredients like glycolic acid, lactic acid, and salicylic acid, you now possess the tools to tailor your skincare routine to address specific concerns, whether it be fine lines, hyperpigmentation, or the quest for an overall luminous complexion.

Understanding the delicate balance between at-home and professional peels allows you to make informed choices aligned with your skincare goals and lifestyle. 

The benefits of at-home chemical peels are plentiful, from revitalizing your complexion to managing acne and enhancing the absorption of other skincare products.

Remember: performing patch tests, following usage instructions, and incorporating sun protection are the cornerstones of a safe and effective experience. Revel in the self-care ritual, celebrate the small victories, and relish the journey towards a revitalized, glowing visage. 

With each at-home chemical peel, you're not just peeling away dead skin cells; you're revealing a more confident, radiant version of yourself.

Nikki Chase

As co-owner Era Organics, Nikki's expertise runs deep. She spends her days immersed in the latest medical studies and scouring trusted websites, ensuring her knowledge reflects the cutting edge of science.

About Nikki Chase